Alliance Details - The Fourth District []
The Fourth District Kills: 103 Executor:
Losses: 47 Members:
Damage done (ISK): 29.93B Start Date:
Damage received (ISK): 5.59B Number of Corps:
Efficiency: 84.26%

Destroyed Ships
Assault Frigate
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 2
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 7
Melnie Vanagi 2. Melnie Vanagi 6
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3
Black Phoenix Legion 4. Black Phoenix Legion 2
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 19
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 8
Melnie Vanagi 3. Melnie Vanagi 5
Die hohen Himmel 4. Die hohen Himmel 4
Rionnag Alba 5. Rionnag Alba 1
Black Ops
Corporation Kills
Cap. Industrial
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 2
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 4
Command Ship
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 2
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1
Covert Ops
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 15
Ubuntu Inc. 2. Ubuntu Inc. 5
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3
Black Phoenix Legion 4. Black Phoenix Legion 1
C.G.S 5. C.G.S 1
Custom Office
Corporation Kills
Deployable Structure
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 1
Ubuntu Inc. 2. Ubuntu Inc. 1
Electronic Attack Ship
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 1
sacrosanctae plebs 2. sacrosanctae plebs 1
Heavy Assault Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 7
Ubuntu Inc. 2. Ubuntu Inc. 2
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 1
Corporation Kills
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1
Industrial Command Ship
Corporation Kills
Infrastructure Modules
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3
Ubuntu Inc. 2. Ubuntu Inc. 2
Melnie Vanagi 3. Melnie Vanagi 1
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 2
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2
Melnie Vanagi 3. Melnie Vanagi 1
Jump Freighter
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Ubuntu Inc. 1. Ubuntu Inc. 9
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 2. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 7
Copperhead Arsenal 3. Copperhead Arsenal 6
Melnie Vanagi 4. Melnie Vanagi 5
Corporation Kills
Mining Barge
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
POS Large
Corporation Kills
POS Medium
Corporation Kills
POS Module
Corporation Kills
POS Small
Corporation Kills
Prototype Exploration Ship
Corporation Kills
Recon Ship
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Strategic Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Melnie Vanagi 1. Melnie Vanagi 6
Ubuntu Inc. 2. Ubuntu Inc. 1
Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 3. Caldari Independent Navy Reserve 1
Corporation Kills
Tactical Destroyer
Corporation Kills
Territory Modules
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills