Alliance Details - The Fourth District []
The Fourth District Kills: 103 Executor:
Losses: 47 Members:
Damage done (ISK): 29.93B Start Date:
Damage received (ISK): 5.59B Number of Corps:
Efficiency: 84.26%

Destroyed Ships
Assault Frigate
Pilot Kills
Eat Moreveg 1. Eat Moreveg 2
Pilot Kills
Pure KickAss 1. Pure KickAss 4
SergeantSatara 2. SergeantSatara 4
Eat Moreveg 3. Eat Moreveg 3
Ladel Teravada 4. Ladel Teravada 3
Simon Otichoda 5. Simon Otichoda 2
Golt Msibi 6. Golt Msibi 2
Tyyne Kerttu 7. Tyyne Kerttu 2
Batugan Altansukh 8. Batugan Altansukh 2
Luzy Reha 9. Luzy Reha 2
Zadela 10. Zadela 1
Pilot Kills
Eat Moreveg 1. Eat Moreveg 19
prinsloo 2. prinsloo 7
Mezziks 3. Mezziks 4
Aenius Codo 4. Aenius Codo 4
Golt Msibi 5. Golt Msibi 1
Ellyra 6. Ellyra 1
Gothmog VanMorgoth 7. Gothmog VanMorgoth 1
Khan Als 8. Khan Als 1
Kaar 9. Kaar 1
Ladel Teravada 10. Ladel Teravada 1
Black Ops
Pilot Kills
Cap. Industrial
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Mezziks 1. Mezziks 1
FlamingOgre 2. FlamingOgre 1
Zicelis Eriker 3. Zicelis Eriker 1
Pilot Kills
daurans 1. daurans 4
Mezziks 2. Mezziks 3
Command Ship
Pilot Kills
Eat Moreveg 1. Eat Moreveg 2
prinsloo 2. prinsloo 1
Covert Ops
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Mezziks 1. Mezziks 6
SergeantSatara 2. SergeantSatara 6
Khan Als 3. Khan Als 4
Eat Moreveg 4. Eat Moreveg 3
Alfons Labais 5. Alfons Labais 2
Aegir Rasputin 6. Aegir Rasputin 2
Turelus 7. Turelus 1
KOKsan 8. KOKsan 1
prinsloo 9. prinsloo 1
Atreyu Kouvo 10. Atreyu Kouvo 1
Custom Office
Pilot Kills
Deployable Structure
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Mezziks 1. Mezziks 1
daurans 2. daurans 1
CaptainPDX 3. CaptainPDX 1
Electronic Attack Ship
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Lara Abyssinian 1. Lara Abyssinian 1
Iga Angel 2. Iga Angel 1
Heavy Assault Cruiser
Pilot Kills
Mezziks 1. Mezziks 6
Eat Moreveg 2. Eat Moreveg 2
BonyFace 3. BonyFace 1
prinsloo 4. prinsloo 1
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pilot Kills
Eat Moreveg 1. Eat Moreveg 1
Pilot Kills
Di0xidE 1. Di0xidE 1
Industrial Command Ship
Pilot Kills
Infrastructure Modules
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Ladel Teravada 1. Ladel Teravada 1
Call Rollard 2. Call Rollard 1
Eat Moreveg 3. Eat Moreveg 1
prinsloo 4. prinsloo 1
Gen Viascola 5. Gen Viascola 1
FlamingOgre 6. FlamingOgre 1
Zicelis Eriker 7. Zicelis Eriker 1
Pilot Kills
Eat Moreveg 1. Eat Moreveg 1
Khan Als 2. Khan Als 1
prinsloo 3. prinsloo 1
Alfons Labais 4. Alfons Labais 1
Shin Kudo Udan 5. Shin Kudo Udan 1
Jayre Anstian 6. Jayre Anstian 1
Jump Freighter
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Eat Moreveg 1. Eat Moreveg 8
Blackbird 30 2. Blackbird 30 6
Horgaasht 3. Horgaasht 6
Taibu 4. Taibu 5
Luzy Reha 5. Luzy Reha 4
prinsloo 6. prinsloo 1
Call Rollard 7. Call Rollard 1
BonyFace 8. BonyFace 1
Pilot Kills
Mining Barge
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
POS Large
Pilot Kills
POS Medium
Pilot Kills
POS Module
Pilot Kills
POS Small
Pilot Kills
Prototype Exploration Ship
Pilot Kills
Recon Ship
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Strategic Cruiser
Pilot Kills
daurans 1. daurans 5
Horgaasht 2. Horgaasht 1
Aerius Elarik 3. Aerius Elarik 1
Alfons Labais 4. Alfons Labais 1
Mezziks 5. Mezziks 1
Pilot Kills
Tactical Destroyer
Pilot Kills
Territory Modules
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills