Kills: | 312 | Executor: | |
Losses: | 632 | Members: | ||
Damage done (ISK): | 20.24B | Start Date: | ||
Damage received (ISK): | 28.86B | Number of Corps: | ||
Efficiency: | 41.22% |
Top Losers
All time
Corporation | Losses | |
1. Interstellar eXodus | 171 |
2. Priory Of The Lemon | 79 |
3. Foundation | 56 |
4. Pegasus Mining and Securities | 55 |
5. KrayZ Dams Inc. | 21 |
6. Intergalactic Serenity | 12 |
7. VSP Corp. | 11 |
8. The Raven Warriors | 10 |
9. Comando Vermelho | 6 |
10. The Older Gamers | 6 |