Alliance Details - HUN Reloaded []
HUN Reloaded Kills: 32 Executor:
Losses: 46 Members:
Damage done (ISK): 3.24B Start Date:
Damage received (ISK): 8.58B Number of Corps:
Efficiency: 27.44%

Destroyed Ships
Assault Frigate
Pilot Kills
pongi 1. pongi 1
Pilot Kills
Onexis 1. Onexis 2
Kunos01 2. Kunos01 1
Rooster79 3. Rooster79 1
Ursa Maior 4. Ursa Maior 1
Yago Yuhn 5. Yago Yuhn 1
T0mcs1 Hung4ry 6. T0mcs1 Hung4ry 1
dlui 7. dlui 1
Brinn Yerdola 8. Brinn Yerdola 1
Pilot Kills
HunHawk 1. HunHawk 1
Jozif 2. Jozif 1
Nevyll Conway 3. Nevyll Conway 1
Saimon Ikkala 4. Saimon Ikkala 1
Rooster79 5. Rooster79 1
Brinn Yerdola 6. Brinn Yerdola 1
Kunos01 7. Kunos01 1
Bluestar Aryos 8. Bluestar Aryos 1
Ivan Tukachev 9. Ivan Tukachev 1
Shonion 10. Shonion 1
Black Ops
Pilot Kills
Cap. Industrial
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Mayusz 1. Mayusz 2
Balays 2. Balays 1
Ka5t0r Kain 3. Ka5t0r Kain 1
NassonMan 4. NassonMan 1
Brinn Yerdola 5. Brinn Yerdola 1
Dart Sirius 6. Dart Sirius 1
Deesnow 7. Deesnow 1
Shonion 8. Shonion 1
The HALAL 9. The HALAL 1
plutoHUN 10. plutoHUN 1
Pilot Kills
Command Ship
Pilot Kills
Covert Ops
Pilot Kills
Mayusz 1. Mayusz 1
GalaxyLight 2. GalaxyLight 1
Pilot Kills
Custom Office
Pilot Kills
Deployable Structure
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Hun Endorfin 1. Hun Endorfin 3
Pilot Kills
Electronic Attack Ship
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Shonion 1. Shonion 2
Nevyll Conway 2. Nevyll Conway 1
Deesnow 3. Deesnow 1
Hipervandor 4. Hipervandor 1
Yago Yuhn 5. Yago Yuhn 1
Tusko Hopkins 6. Tusko Hopkins 1
O'Tohhurom 7. O'Tohhurom 1
Winn Hedrak 8. Winn Hedrak 1
Lina thegreat 9. Lina thegreat 1
Feggy 10. Feggy 1
Heavy Assault Cruiser
Pilot Kills
Limited Slip 1. Limited Slip 1
Jozif 2. Jozif 1
Harold Ape 3. Harold Ape 1
Memphisz 4. Memphisz 1
The Ice 5. The Ice 1
plutoHUN 6. plutoHUN 1
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Industrial Command Ship
Pilot Kills
Infrastructure Modules
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Memphisz 1. Memphisz 2
Mayusz 2. Mayusz 1
Yago Yuhn 3. Yago Yuhn 1
Agyban Nagy 4. Agyban Nagy 1
Leatiati 5. Leatiati 1
hiromoto 6. hiromoto 1
Kard Fater 7. Kard Fater 1
Pr3t0r 8. Pr3t0r 1
Brinn Yerdola 9. Brinn Yerdola 1
Vangi 10. Vangi 1
Pilot Kills
Gyrlia 1. Gyrlia 1
Mairon Deadeye 2. Mairon Deadeye 1
Jump Freighter
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Nethyrrean 1. Nethyrrean 1
Elg'caress Estanesse 2. Elg'caress Estanesse 1
Mairon Deadeye 3. Mairon Deadeye 1
Hipervandor 4. Hipervandor 1
Cse Cse 5. Cse Cse 1
Devid14 6. Devid14 1
Gabriel L 7. Gabriel L 1
Kard Fater 8. Kard Fater 1
Lutiae 9. Lutiae 1
Drifter Siegfrid 10. Drifter Siegfrid 1
Pilot Kills
Mining Barge
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
POS Large
Pilot Kills
POS Medium
Pilot Kills
POS Module
Pilot Kills
POS Small
Pilot Kills
Prototype Exploration Ship
Pilot Kills
Recon Ship
Pilot Kills
Nauru Simpox 1. Nauru Simpox 2
Dart Sirius 2. Dart Sirius 1
Shonion 3. Shonion 1
The HALAL 4. The HALAL 1
Deesnow 5. Deesnow 1
NassonMan 6. NassonMan 1
Brinn Yerdola 7. Brinn Yerdola 1
Memphisz 8. Memphisz 1
Leatiati 9. Leatiati 1
Jim Turner 10. Jim Turner 1
Pilot Kills
Strategic Cruiser
Pilot Kills
Kristol Arman 1. Kristol Arman 1
Cse Cse 2. Cse Cse 1
Nemeo 3. Nemeo 1
Ka5t0r Kain 4. Ka5t0r Kain 1
z1cc32 5. z1cc32 1
Balays 6. Balays 1
Permetez0 7. Permetez0 1
Cookac 8. Cookac 1
Obsidialis Dark 9. Obsidialis Dark 1
Ar Parsec 10. Ar Parsec 1
Pilot Kills
Tactical Destroyer
Pilot Kills
Territory Modules
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills