Kills: | 12 | Executor: | |
Losses: | 45 | Members: | ||
Damage done (ISK): | 6.63B | Start Date: | ||
Damage received (ISK): | 29.73B | Number of Corps: | ||
Efficiency: | 18.24% |
Top Killers
All time
Corporation | Kills | |
1. Momentary Lapse of Reason. | 8 |
2. Dynotech INC. | 1 |
3. Origins of the Eternals | 1 |
4. Mobile Meth Lab Monkeys | 1 |
5. Blueshift Entropy | 1 |
6. 82nd All Americans | 1 |
7. Raptor Navy | 1 |
8. No trouble in the midst | 1 |