Alliance Details - Ineluctable. []
Ineluctable. Kills: 350 Executor:
Losses: 31 Members:
Damage done (ISK): 63.58B Start Date:
Damage received (ISK): 4.25B Number of Corps:
Efficiency: 93.74%

Destroyed Ships
Assault Frigate
Pilot Kills
Steinar88 1. Steinar88 3
Athen Kharn 2. Athen Kharn 3
Lemster 3. Lemster 2
Maximillian Logos 4. Maximillian Logos 2
Jezus vanOstade 5. Jezus vanOstade 2
Krishtor 6. Krishtor 2
ceeberus 7. ceeberus 2
Hoffmann X 8. Hoffmann X 2
Yorkstn 9. Yorkstn 2
LordHelmchen 10. LordHelmchen 2
Pilot Kills
Mad Beauty 1. Mad Beauty 2
Rivr Luzade 2. Rivr Luzade 2
Geanos 3. Geanos 2
Normer Snob 4. Normer Snob 1
killbill72 5. killbill72 1
Deni3d 6. Deni3d 1
Nutkins 7. Nutkins 1
KatanTharkay 8. KatanTharkay 1
RareEmperorAssKicker 9. RareEmperorAssKicker 1
Geiravor 10. Geiravor 1
Pilot Kills
Maruk Ihnati 1. Maruk Ihnati 17
ValorTron 2. ValorTron 16
PaperTiger 3. PaperTiger 14
BlackerDragoon 4. BlackerDragoon 14
Yuyashin 5. Yuyashin 13
Rivr Luzade 6. Rivr Luzade 13
Kech Eistiras 7. Kech Eistiras 12
Sir Xanthos 8. Sir Xanthos 11
Bakla Firoz 9. Bakla Firoz 8
Belinda HwaFang 10. Belinda HwaFang 7
Black Ops
Pilot Kills
Cap. Industrial
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Nbonga 1. Nbonga 22
Mad Beauty 2. Mad Beauty 17
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 3. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 11
Krishtor 4. Krishtor 7
BivarI 5. BivarI 6
ironhatchet 6. ironhatchet 6
Paul AtreidesMuad 7. Paul AtreidesMuad 6
Hulemand 8. Hulemand 5
Aegir Rasputin 9. Aegir Rasputin 5
The Champ 10. The Champ 5
Pilot Kills
Hulemand 1. Hulemand 2
Forsake Megellan 2. Forsake Megellan 2
BlackerDragoon 3. BlackerDragoon 2
Rivr Luzade 4. Rivr Luzade 2
Warlord Kanaud 5. Warlord Kanaud 2
Ace MacRou 6. Ace MacRou 1
Vikingbjorn 7. Vikingbjorn 1
Geanos 8. Geanos 1
oodin 9. oodin 1
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 10. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1
Command Ship
Pilot Kills
Covert Ops
Pilot Kills
Nbonga 1. Nbonga 5
Lan Wang 2. Lan Wang 2
Rorey Preldent 3. Rorey Preldent 1
Mad Beauty 4. Mad Beauty 1
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 5. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1
Pilot Kills
Nbonga 1. Nbonga 8
BlackerDragoon 2. BlackerDragoon 5
ValorTron 3. ValorTron 5
Rorey Preldent 4. Rorey Preldent 5
PaperTiger 5. PaperTiger 4
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 6. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 4
Maruk Ihnati 7. Maruk Ihnati 4
Yuyashin 8. Yuyashin 3
Kech Eistiras 9. Kech Eistiras 3
Rivr Luzade 10. Rivr Luzade 3
Custom Office
Pilot Kills
Deployable Structure
Pilot Kills
BivarI 1. BivarI 1
Joshua Foiritain 2. Joshua Foiritain 1
ironhatchet 3. ironhatchet 1
Hulk Miner 4. Hulk Miner 1
Mad Beauty 5. Mad Beauty 1
ValorTron 6. ValorTron 1
Rhysode Ganner 7. Rhysode Ganner 1
Vikingbjorn 8. Vikingbjorn 1
Pilot Kills
Nbonga 1. Nbonga 3
Pilot Kills
Muloch 1. Muloch 2
Nechtan 2. Nechtan 1
Athen Kharn 3. Athen Kharn 1
Krishtor 4. Krishtor 1
Warlord Kanaud 5. Warlord Kanaud 1
Taslem Kaundur 6. Taslem Kaundur 1
Heavenseed 7. Heavenseed 1
Electronic Attack Ship
Pilot Kills
Maruk Ihnati 1. Maruk Ihnati 1
Nechtan 2. Nechtan 1
BlackerDragoon 3. BlackerDragoon 1
Rivr Luzade 4. Rivr Luzade 1
Krishtor 5. Krishtor 1
Warlord Kanaud 6. Warlord Kanaud 1
Pilot Kills
Krishtor 1. Krishtor 1
Warlord Kanaud 2. Warlord Kanaud 1
Lan Wang 3. Lan Wang 1
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Nbonga 1. Nbonga 11
Rorey Preldent 2. Rorey Preldent 3
Mad Beauty 3. Mad Beauty 2
Lan Wang 4. Lan Wang 2
Krishtor 5. Krishtor 2
Kech Eistiras 6. Kech Eistiras 2
Yuyashin 7. Yuyashin 1
Ace MacRou 8. Ace MacRou 1
Joshua Foiritain 9. Joshua Foiritain 1
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 10. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1
Heavy Assault Cruiser
Pilot Kills
PaperTiger 1. PaperTiger 14
Nechtan 2. Nechtan 13
Taslem Kaundur 3. Taslem Kaundur 13
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 4. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 12
Rivr Luzade 5. Rivr Luzade 12
BlackerDragoon 6. BlackerDragoon 11
Ace MacRou 7. Ace MacRou 11
Warlord Kanaud 8. Warlord Kanaud 10
Commander Predator 9. Commander Predator 10
killbill72 10. killbill72 7
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Industrial Command Ship
Pilot Kills
Knine Kadeyooh 1. Knine Kadeyooh 1
Joshua Foiritain 2. Joshua Foiritain 1
Caren S'jet 3. Caren S'jet 1
Ace MacRou 4. Ace MacRou 1
Rivr Luzade 5. Rivr Luzade 1
Paragoda 6. Paragoda 1
Krishtor 7. Krishtor 1
Warlord Kanaud 8. Warlord Kanaud 1
Taslem Kaundur 9. Taslem Kaundur 1
Infrastructure Modules
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Joshua Foiritain 1. Joshua Foiritain 6
Mad Beauty 2. Mad Beauty 5
Commander Predator 3. Commander Predator 5
killbill72 4. killbill72 5
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 5. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 4
Nbonga 6. Nbonga 4
Rivr Luzade 7. Rivr Luzade 3
Jezus vanOstade 8. Jezus vanOstade 2
KatanTharkay 9. KatanTharkay 2
The Champ 10. The Champ 2
Pilot Kills
Ace MacRou 1. Ace MacRou 6
Rivr Luzade 2. Rivr Luzade 5
ValorTron 3. ValorTron 4
Warlord Kanaud 4. Warlord Kanaud 4
Forsake Megellan 5. Forsake Megellan 4
Joshua Foiritain 6. Joshua Foiritain 3
BlackerDragoon 7. BlackerDragoon 3
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 8. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 3
Maruk Ihnati 9. Maruk Ihnati 3
Yuyashin 10. Yuyashin 3
Jump Freighter
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
PaperTiger 1. PaperTiger 14
Maruk Ihnati 2. Maruk Ihnati 13
ValorTron 3. ValorTron 10
Rivr Luzade 4. Rivr Luzade 10
BlackerDragoon 5. BlackerDragoon 9
Belinda HwaFang 6. Belinda HwaFang 8
Yuyashin 7. Yuyashin 7
Kech Eistiras 8. Kech Eistiras 7
Muloch 9. Muloch 6
Bakla Firoz 10. Bakla Firoz 4
Pilot Kills
Mining Barge
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
HeroinaPL Trofik 1. HeroinaPL Trofik 1
Nbonga 2. Nbonga 1
Mad Beauty 3. Mad Beauty 1
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 4. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1
POS Large
Pilot Kills
The Champ 1. The Champ 1
Muloch 2. Muloch 1
Mad Beauty 3. Mad Beauty 1
Warlord Kanaud 4. Warlord Kanaud 1
Belinda HwaFang 5. Belinda HwaFang 1
Jinxed Prospekt 6. Jinxed Prospekt 1
POS Medium
Pilot Kills
Warlord Kanaud 1. Warlord Kanaud 1
ceeberus 2. ceeberus 1
Damion Zyne 3. Damion Zyne 1
Belinda HwaFang 4. Belinda HwaFang 1
End o'Broadcast 5. End o'Broadcast 1
Heavenseed 6. Heavenseed 1
Kato's Pete 7. Kato's Pete 1
LordHelmchen 8. LordHelmchen 1
Joshua Foiritain 9. Joshua Foiritain 1
Athen Kharn 10. Athen Kharn 1
POS Module
Pilot Kills
Warlord Kanaud 1. Warlord Kanaud 43
Mad Beauty 2. Mad Beauty 43
Belinda HwaFang 3. Belinda HwaFang 37
Rivr Luzade 4. Rivr Luzade 33
Joshua Foiritain 5. Joshua Foiritain 31
Paragoda 6. Paragoda 20
Krishtor 7. Krishtor 20
ceeberus 8. ceeberus 20
Damion Zyne 9. Damion Zyne 20
End o'Broadcast 10. End o'Broadcast 20
POS Small
Pilot Kills
The Champ 1. The Champ 3
Muloch 2. Muloch 3
Mad Beauty 3. Mad Beauty 3
Warlord Kanaud 4. Warlord Kanaud 3
Belinda HwaFang 5. Belinda HwaFang 3
Jinxed Prospekt 6. Jinxed Prospekt 3
Joshua Foiritain 7. Joshua Foiritain 1
Rivr Luzade 8. Rivr Luzade 1
Prototype Exploration Ship
Pilot Kills
Recon Ship
Pilot Kills
ValorTron 1. ValorTron 3
Yuyashin 2. Yuyashin 2
Rivr Luzade 3. Rivr Luzade 2
Belinda HwaFang 4. Belinda HwaFang 2
oodin 5. oodin 1
Kech Eistiras 6. Kech Eistiras 1
Sir Xanthos 7. Sir Xanthos 1
Geanos 8. Geanos 1
Maruk Ihnati 9. Maruk Ihnati 1
Knine Kadeyooh 10. Knine Kadeyooh 1
Pilot Kills
Nbonga 1. Nbonga 1
Strategic Cruiser
Pilot Kills
PaperTiger 1. PaperTiger 3
Crevo Helion 2. Crevo Helion 2
BlackerDragoon 3. BlackerDragoon 2
Taslem Kaundur 4. Taslem Kaundur 1
Maruk Ihnati 5. Maruk Ihnati 1
Yuyashin 6. Yuyashin 1
ValorTron 7. ValorTron 1
Kech Eistiras 8. Kech Eistiras 1
Belinda HwaFang 9. Belinda HwaFang 1
Nechtan 10. Nechtan 1
Pilot Kills
Caren S'jet 1. Caren S'jet 1
Mad Beauty 2. Mad Beauty 1
ValorTron 3. ValorTron 1
Ace MacRou 4. Ace MacRou 1
Rivr Luzade 5. Rivr Luzade 1
Paragoda 6. Paragoda 1
Krishtor 7. Krishtor 1
Warlord Kanaud 8. Warlord Kanaud 1
Cal5 9. Cal5 1
Taslem Kaundur 10. Taslem Kaundur 1
Tactical Destroyer
Pilot Kills
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1
Mad Beauty 2. Mad Beauty 1
Ace MacRou 3. Ace MacRou 1
Territory Modules
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Pilot Kills
Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1. Lentaqi Ap'raduz 1
Mad Beauty 2. Mad Beauty 1
Lan Wang 3. Lan Wang 1