Alliance Details - V.e.G.A. []
V.e.G.A. Kills: 158 Executor:
Losses: 5 Members:
Damage done (ISK): 197.5B Start Date:
Damage received (ISK): 0.12B Number of Corps:
Efficiency: 99.94%

Destroyed Ships
Assault Frigate
Corporation Kills
Rennfeuer 1. Rennfeuer 1
Corporation Kills
xell network seven 1. xell network seven 2
Die Rentnergang 2. Die Rentnergang 1
Die grauen Panther 3. Die grauen Panther 1
Lords of Entropy 4. Lords of Entropy 1
Lobach Inc. 5. Lobach Inc. 1
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 8
Rennfeuer 2. Rennfeuer 3
xell network seven 3. xell network seven 2
Black Ops
Corporation Kills
Cap. Industrial
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Die Rentnergang 1. Die Rentnergang 2
German Project 2. German Project 1
Lords of Entropy 3. Lords of Entropy 1
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 6
xell network seven 2. xell network seven 4
Die grauen Panther 3. Die grauen Panther 4
New Eden Union 4. New Eden Union 2
Lobach Inc. 5. Lobach Inc. 1
Command Ship
Corporation Kills
xell network seven 1. xell network seven 1
Rennfeuer 2. Rennfeuer 1
Lords of Entropy 3. Lords of Entropy 1
Covert Ops
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 13
xell network seven 2. xell network seven 10
Rennfeuer 3. Rennfeuer 7
Die grauen Panther 4. Die grauen Panther 2
Crimson Guards - Security Forces 5. Crimson Guards - Security Forces 1
Custom Office
Corporation Kills
Deployable Structure
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 6
Die Rentnergang 2. Die Rentnergang 3
Corporation Kills
Electronic Attack Ship
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Heavy Assault Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 14
Rennfeuer 2. Rennfeuer 13
xell network seven 3. xell network seven 11
German Project 4. German Project 1
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Die grauen Panther 1. Die grauen Panther 1
Crimson Guards - Security Forces 2. Crimson Guards - Security Forces 1
Lords of Entropy 3. Lords of Entropy 1
xell network seven 4. xell network seven 1
Corporation Kills
Industrial Command Ship
Corporation Kills
Infrastructure Modules
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 1
Die Rentnergang 2. Die Rentnergang 1
Corporation Kills
Jump Freighter
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 10
xell network seven 2. xell network seven 6
Die grauen Panther 3. Die grauen Panther 6
Rennfeuer 4. Rennfeuer 3
Crimson Guards - Security Forces 5. Crimson Guards - Security Forces 2
Corporation Kills
Mining Barge
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
POS Large
Corporation Kills
xell network seven 1. xell network seven 2
Die grauen Panther 2. Die grauen Panther 1
Lords of Entropy 3. Lords of Entropy 1
Lobach Inc. 4. Lobach Inc. 1
POS Medium
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 2
xell network seven 2. xell network seven 2
POS Module
Corporation Kills
xell network seven 1. xell network seven 64
Die grauen Panther 2. Die grauen Panther 59
Lords of Entropy 3. Lords of Entropy 59
Lobach Inc. 4. Lobach Inc. 58
POS Small
Corporation Kills
xell network seven 1. xell network seven 1
Die grauen Panther 2. Die grauen Panther 1
Lords of Entropy 3. Lords of Entropy 1
Lobach Inc. 4. Lobach Inc. 1
Prototype Exploration Ship
Corporation Kills
Recon Ship
Corporation Kills
xell network seven 1. xell network seven 6
Lords of Entropy 2. Lords of Entropy 6
Rennfeuer 3. Rennfeuer 3
Lobach Inc. 4. Lobach Inc. 2
Corporation Kills
Strategic Cruiser
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Brenemen Industries 1. Brenemen Industries 2
Tactical Destroyer
Corporation Kills
Rennfeuer 1. Rennfeuer 1
Lords of Entropy 2. Lords of Entropy 1
Territory Modules
Corporation Kills
Corporation Kills
Lords of Entropy 1. Lords of Entropy 1
Corporation Kills