Item details - Compressed Radiant Hemorphite
Compressed Radiant Hemorphite
Compressed Radiant Hemorphite Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 99,999,999,999,999,996,863,366,107,917,975,552 kg
Volume 0.86 m3
Baseprice 3,323,700 ISK
Primary Skill required Mining
Reprocessing Skill Hemorphite Processing