Item details - Mobile Micro Jump Unit
Mobile Micro Jump Unit
Mobile Micro Jump Unit This small deployable structure provides all nearby ships with the ability to launch themselves 100km in any direction. Twelve seconds after any ship makes use of this structure they will be jumped 100km in their direction of travel.

Hundreds of researchers around the New Eden Cluster have spent over a year attempting to expand upon the works of the late Avagher Xarasier after a tragic Micro Jump accident took his life. This structure represents the cutting edge in portable Micro Jump technology and is widely considered to be acceptably safe.

This structure can be used by any ship with less than 1,000,000,000kg mass.
One minute activation time. May not be deployed within 10km of another Mobile Micro Jump Unit, within 20km of Stargates or Stations, or within 40km of a Starbase. Cannot be retrieved once deployed. Self-destructs after two days of operation.
Cargo capacity 27000 m3
Mass 10,000 kg
Volume 50 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
structureUniformity 1
armorUniformity 0.75
shieldUniformity 0.75
Shield recharge time 3200000 s
Structure Hitpoints 3000 HP
Signature Radius 50 m
Meta Level 1 Level
Signature radius bonus 150 %
Magnetometric Sensor Strength 5 points
Shield Capacity 1000 HP
Gravimetric Sensor Strength 5 points
Ladar Sensor Strength 5 points
RADAR Sensor Strength 5 points
Tech Level 1 Level
Primary Skill required Anchoring
Armor Hitpoints 1000 HP
requiredSkill1Level 1