Kill details
victim Victim: Jovanna Shadow
Corp: V.L.A.S.T.
Alliance: Sons of Tangra
Involved parties: 17
inv portrait The Dark
Celestial Apocalypse
Armageddon (Battleship)
Damage done:4510 (13.59%)
inv portrait Shaemell Buttleson
Euphoria Released
Tempest (Battleship)
Damage done:4492 (13.53%)
inv portrait spudius
Eve Defence Force
Armageddon (Battleship)
Damage done:3741 (11.27%)
inv portrait Sanjius
Megathron (Battleship)
Damage done:3431 (10.34%)
inv portrait Jacko21
Celestial Apocalypse
Megathron (Battleship)
Berserker II
Damage done:3279 (9.88%)
inv portrait TOPSTER
Celestial Apocalypse
Megathron (Battleship)
Damage done:3098 (9.33%)
inv portrait Major Bahitairv
Celestial Apocalypse
Armageddon (Battleship)
Damage done:3063 (9.23%)
inv portrait Mage Khour
Celestial Apocalypse
Abaddon (Battleship)
Hammerhead II
Damage done:2292 (6.91%)
inv portrait Little Wolf
Celestial Apocalypse
Vagabond (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
Damage done:1967 (5.93%)
inv portrait Zerb Erusius
Celestial Apocalypse
Megathron (Battleship)
Damage done:1126 (3.39%)
inv portrait Mourn Ex
Celestial Apocalypse
Dominix (Battleship)
Valkyrie II
Damage done:941 (2.84%)
inv portrait US Marine
Celestial Apocalypse
Scorpion (Battleship)
Scourge Precision Cruise Missile
Damage done:458 (1.38%)
inv portrait Luminairis
Eyes of the Night
Tempest (Battleship)
Hobgoblin I
Damage done:430 (1.30%)
inv portrait easylad
Malicious Intentions
Rapier (Recon Ship)
Damage done:364 (1.10%)
inv portrait Sjinta
Dominix (Battleship)
Heavy Diminishing Power System Drain I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
inv portrait Ittep
Euphoria Released
Falcon (Recon Ship)
ECM - Ion Field Projector II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
inv portrait SKankella
Celestial Apocalypse
Rapier (Recon Ship)
650mm Artillery Cannon II
Damage done:0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left
Dominix Ship: Dominix (Battleship)
Location: A-1CON (0.0)
Date: 2008-10-01 19:21:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 89,155,200
Total Damage Taken: 33,192
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Medium Energy Neutralizer II
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun
Dual 150mm Railgun I
Heavy Neutron Blaster I
500MN Microwarpdrive I
J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
Supplemental Scanning CPU I
Omnidirectional Tracking Link I
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Damage Control II
Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I
Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Medium Energy Neutralizer II Medium Energy Neutralizer II 1 2.54 M
Tungsten Charge M Tungsten Charge M 80 1.20 K
Dual 150mm Railgun I Dual 150mm Railgun I 1 18.01 K
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun 425mm Prototype Gauss Gun 1 5.00 M
Shadow Lead Charge L Shadow Lead Charge L 29 2.90 K
Tungsten Charge M Tungsten Charge M 160 2.40 K
Heavy Neutron Blaster I Heavy Neutron Blaster I 1 123.01 K
Medium Energy Neutralizer II Medium Energy Neutralizer II 1 2.54 M
Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I 1 384.00 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
Scan Resolution Script Scan Resolution Script 1 16.99 K
J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I 1 12.47 K
Cap Booster 800 Cap Booster 800 1 3.33 K
Omnidirectional Tracking Link I Omnidirectional Tracking Link I 1 12.77 K
Supplemental Scanning CPU I Supplemental Scanning CPU I 1 2.00 K
500MN Microwarpdrive I 500MN Microwarpdrive I 1 699.79 K
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I 1 109.00 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 2 4.18 M
Damage Control II Damage Control II 1 680.00 K
Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I 1 270.00 K
Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I 1 25.01 K
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I 1 230.00 K
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I 1 202.03 K
Rig Slot Rig Slot Current Value
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I Large Auxiliary Nano Pump I 1 17.22 M
Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I Large Drone Control Range Augmentor I 1 1.70 M
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Hammerhead II Hammerhead II 1 575.00 K
Bouncer I Bouncer I 3 261.00 K
Ogre I Ogre I 1 34.50 K
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I 1 82.99 K
Warrior I Warrior I 5 26.50 K
Bouncer I Bouncer I 2 174.00 K
Hammerhead II Hammerhead II 4 2.30 M
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Shadow Lead Charge L Shadow Lead Charge L 260 26.00 K
Cap Booster 800 Cap Booster 800 12 39.92 K
Targeting Range Script Targeting Range Script 1 13.00 K
Antimatter Charge M Antimatter Charge M 80 2.96 K
Tungsten Charge M Tungsten Charge M 160 2.40 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
