Kill details
victim Victim: Anatalia Timmerov
Corp: Emper Qin's
Alliance: THE H0RDE
Involved parties: 3

500 Letters left
Megathron Ship: Megathron (Battleship)
Location: G95F-H (0.0)
Date: 2006-12-19 13:28:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 88,747,200
Total Damage Taken: 0
Medium 'Ghoul' Energy Siphon I
Modal Mega Ion Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Ion Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I
Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Modal Mega Ion Particle Accelerator I Modal Mega Ion Particle Accelerator I 2 1.13 M
Shadow Iron Charge L Shadow Iron Charge L 250 8.75 K
Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I Modal Mega Neutron Particle Accelerator I 3 10.50 M
Medium 'Ghoul' Energy Siphon I Medium 'Ghoul' Energy Siphon I 1 67.02 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I J5 Prototype Warp Disruptor I 1 12.47 K
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 650.01 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I 1 270.00 K
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I 1 202.03 K
Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I Large 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I 1 25.01 K
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1 2.09 M
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Cap Booster 800 Cap Booster 800 3 9.98 K
Shadow Iron Charge L Shadow Iron Charge L 1290 45.15 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
