Kill details
Involved parties: 42
inv portrait Karrillo
PPN United
Against ALL Authorities
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Compact Purgatory Torpedo I
Damage done:169307 (24.77%)
inv portrait Enosh Kerrim
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Damage done:132460 (19.38%)
inv portrait darkpriestess
The Collective
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Damage done:72132 (10.55%)
inv portrait Lybder Croth
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Compact Rift Torpedo I
Damage done:51617 (7.55%)
inv portrait Ale Tricio
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Damage done:50016 (7.32%)
inv portrait kirst n
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Compact Rift Torpedo I
Damage done:44601 (6.52%)
inv portrait dj crap
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Damage done:42848 (6.27%)
inv portrait Amanda Sterling
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Remote ECM Burst I
Damage done:36704 (5.37%)
inv portrait raistalin
PPN United
Against ALL Authorities
Avatar (Titan)
Damage done:23723 (3.47%)
inv portrait Crayathan
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Ragnarok (Titan)
Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery I
Damage done:14556 (2.13%)
inv portrait KentOnline
Dark Knights of Deneb
Against ALL Authorities
Avatar (Titan)
Dual Giga Beam Laser I
Damage done:6702 (0.98%)
inv portrait Pradege D'Hallur
The Collective
Against ALL Authorities
Avatar (Titan)
Dual Giga Beam Laser I
Damage done:6329 (0.93%)
inv portrait Dri Kulsane
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Aeon (Supercarrier)
Damage done:5734 (0.84%)
inv portrait Karmic
Dark Knights of Deneb
Against ALL Authorities
Leviathan (Titan)
Citadel Cruise Launcher I
Damage done:4378 (0.64%)
inv portrait Luckys Slave
PPN United
Against ALL Authorities
Nidhoggur (Carrier)
Damage done:3770 (0.55%)
inv portrait Hitssu Motto
The Collective
Against ALL Authorities
Thanatos (Carrier)
Damage done:3762 (0.55%)
inv portrait Mad Frontier
Hurricane (Battlecruiser)
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
Damage done:1985 (0.29%)
inv portrait Humphrey Goff
Hound (Covert Ops)
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done:1809 (0.26%)
inv portrait Zarathushtra
Hound (Covert Ops)
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done:1697 (0.25%)
inv portrait AB2LA
Against ALL Authorities
Cerberus (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
Damage done:1684 (0.25%)
inv portrait Hatsim
The Collective
Against ALL Authorities
Apocalypse (Battleship)
Damage done:980 (0.14%)
inv portrait Aoko Aohara
Volatile Nature
Drake (Battlecruiser)
Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
Damage done:938 (0.14%)
inv portrait Konson
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done:915 (0.13%)
inv portrait portney
The Collective
Against ALL Authorities
Apocalypse (Battleship)
Tachyon Beam Laser II
Damage done:807 (0.12%)
inv portrait Jondo Marikesh
Masuat'aa Matari
Hurricane (Battlecruiser)
Damage done:682 (0.10%)
inv portrait Shacksman
Silver Snake Enterprise
Hound (Covert Ops)
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done:625 (0.09%)
inv portrait Delaware warrior
Rage and Terror
Against ALL Authorities
Avatar (Titan)
Dual Giga Beam Laser I
Damage done:605 (0.09%)
inv portrait Dante Algermain
Silver Snake Enterprise
Arazu (Recon Ship)
250mm Railgun II
Damage done:504 (0.07%)
inv portrait HURT ME
Manticore (Covert Ops)
Upgraded 'Malkuth' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done:410 (0.06%)
inv portrait Capt Red
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher
Damage done:305 (0.04%)
inv portrait Blake Zacary
Volatile Nature
Vagabond (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Heavy Missile Launcher II
Damage done:227 (0.03%)
inv portrait Kura Accipter
The Littlest Hobos
Megathron (Battleship)
425mm Railgun II
Damage done:197 (0.03%)
inv portrait Enochia Starr
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Muninn (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Damage done:197 (0.03%)
inv portrait KSbrain
Universal Army
Hurricane (Battlecruiser)
Warrior I
Damage done:141 (0.02%)
inv portrait Kalhn
Silver Snake Enterprise
Eagle (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Light Missile Launcher II
Damage done:85 (0.01%)
inv portrait BigBeat
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Megathron (Battleship)
425mm Railgun II
Damage done:64 (0.01%)
inv portrait Lanapster
Against ALL Authorities
Apocalypse (Battleship)
Warrior II
Damage done:61 (0.01%)
inv portrait zjjacek
Trust Doesn't Rust
Rokh (Battleship)
425mm Compressed Coil Gun I
Damage done:41 (0.01%)
inv portrait Paxom
VVS Corporition
Against ALL Authorities
Heretic (Interdictor)
Damage done:3 (0.00%)
inv portrait Mnement'h
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Heretic (Interdictor)
Warp Disrupt Probe
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
inv portrait Leowar
VVS Corporition
Against ALL Authorities
Falcon (Recon Ship)
'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)
inv portrait Cassius Hawkeye
Body Count Inc.
Against ALL Authorities
Nyx (Supercarrier)
Damage done:0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left
Moros Ship: Moros (Dreadnought)
Location: D-GTMI (0.0)
Date: 2010-01-28 23:36:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 1,679,380,000
Total Damage Taken: 683,601
Dual 1000mm Railgun I
Dual 1000mm Railgun I
Dual 1000mm Railgun I
Siege Module I
Cap Recharger II
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II
Tracking Computer II
Tracking Computer II
Armor EM Hardener II
Capital Armor Repairer I
Damage Control II
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Dual 1000mm Railgun I Dual 1000mm Railgun I 2 80.00 M
Dual 1000mm Railgun I Dual 1000mm Railgun I 1 40.00 M
Siege Module I Siege Module I 1 61.00 M
Shadow Antimatter Charge XL Shadow Antimatter Charge XL 120 977.16 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
Cap Recharger II Cap Recharger II 1 523.00 K
Optimal Range Script Optimal Range Script 1 14.98 K
Tracking Computer II Tracking Computer II 1 890.00 K
Scan Resolution Script Scan Resolution Script 1 16.99 K
Tracking Computer II Tracking Computer II 1 890.00 K
Targeting Range Script Targeting Range Script 1 13.00 K
Sensor Booster II Sensor Booster II 2 1.65 M
Optimal Range Script Optimal Range Script 1 14.98 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane 1 45.00 M
Damage Control II Damage Control II 1 680.00 K
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer 1 70.00 M
Armor EM Hardener II Armor EM Hardener II 1 1.37 M
Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane 1 45.00 M
Capital Armor Repairer I Capital Armor Repairer I 1 45.00 M
Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer 1 70.00 M
Rig Slot Rig Slot Current Value
Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I 2 28.00 M
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Ogre II Ogre II 1 660.00 K
Bouncer II Bouncer II 2 1.76 M
Curator II Curator II 5 4.50 M
Ogre II Ogre II 4 2.64 M
Bouncer II Bouncer II 3 2.64 M
Berserker II Berserker II 5 2.34 M
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Shadow Antimatter Charge XL Shadow Antimatter Charge XL 1466 11.94 M
Synth Exile Booster Synth Exile Booster 1 1.20 M
Scan Resolution Script Scan Resolution Script 1 16.99 K
Strontium Clathrates Strontium Clathrates 400 180.00 K
Iridium Charge XL Iridium Charge XL 2000 998.00 K
Targeting Range Script Targeting Range Script 1 13.00 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
