Kill details
victim Victim: Breetai
Corp: Eye of God
Alliance: Axiom Empire
Involved parties: 7

500 Letters left
Thorax Ship: Thorax (Cruiser)
Location: AZN-D2 (0.0)
Date: 2006-03-25 17:55:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 6,893,090
Total Damage Taken: 0
150mm Railgun I
Stasis Webifier I
ECCM - Magnetometric I
Limited Armor Explosive Hardener I
Limited Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Medium Automated Carapace Restoration
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Antimatter Charge S Antimatter Charge S 18 234.00 ISK
150mm Railgun I 150mm Railgun I 1 15.25 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
ECCM - Magnetometric I ECCM - Magnetometric I 1 12.01 K
Stasis Webifier I Stasis Webifier I 1 20.00 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Limited Armor Kinetic Hardener I Limited Armor Kinetic Hardener I 1 232.01 K
Medium Automated Carapace Restoration Medium Automated Carapace Restoration 1 356.00 K
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I 1 202.03 K
Limited Armor Explosive Hardener I Limited Armor Explosive Hardener I 1 271.05 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Iron Charge S Iron Charge S 2460 4.92 K
Lead Charge S Lead Charge S 2459 19.67 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
