Kill details
victim Victim: The Slayer
Corp: Millennium
Alliance: E.R.A
Involved parties: 6
inv portrait Escador
Euphoria Released
Dusk and Dawn
Vagabond (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Hornet I
Damage done:0
inv portrait AcriQuo
Euphoria Released
Dusk and Dawn
Vexor (Cruiser)
Damage done:0
inv portrait NateX
Euphoria Released
Dusk and Dawn
Vagabond (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
Damage done:0
inv portrait Cmdr Patrick
Euphoria Released
Dusk and Dawn
Stabber (Cruiser)
Damage done:0
inv portrait Vizant
4S Corporation
Morsus Mihi
Thorax (Cruiser)
Damage done:0
inv portrait Tolin Dorden
Euphoria Released
Dusk and Dawn
Crow (Interceptor)
Fleeting Warp Disruptor I
Damage done:0

500 Letters left
Thorax Ship: Thorax (Cruiser)
Location: D7-ZAC (0.0)
Date: 2006-04-23 15:35:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 12,669,500
Total Damage Taken: 0
Light Ion Blaster II
50MN Microwarpdrive I
1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Medium 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Void S Void S 181 28.06 K
Light Ion Blaster II Light Ion Blaster II 1 529.99 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
50MN Microwarpdrive I 50MN Microwarpdrive I 1 111.21 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Medium 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I Medium 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I 1 3.16 M
1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates 1600mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates 1 610.00 K
F85 Peripheral Damage System I F85 Peripheral Damage System I 1 944.60 K
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I 1 122.08 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
280mm 'Scout' Artillery I 280mm 'Scout' Artillery I 1 1.53 M
Capacitor Power Relay I Capacitor Power Relay I 1 8.04 K
280mm Prototype Siege Cannon 280mm Prototype Siege Cannon 1 613.00 K
Quantum Co-Processor I Quantum Co-Processor I 1 16.81 K
Ballistic Control System I Ballistic Control System I 1 44.44 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
