Kill details
victim Victim: Zaentz
Corp: Euphoria Released
Alliance: Triumvirate.
Involved parties: 14
inv portrait Ajax33
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:4022 (11.32%)
inv portrait Kettennatter
Infinite Point
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:3968 (11.16%)
inv portrait Xiru Keikira
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:3425 (9.64%)
inv portrait Lucray 03
Association of Commonwealth Enterprises
Nulli Secunda
Hound (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:3351 (9.43%)
inv portrait R0x1
Nulli Secunda
Hound (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:3208 (9.03%)
inv portrait Eric Xallen
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
Hound (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:3208 (9.03%)
inv portrait Chks
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:2094 (5.89%)
inv portrait Rise Altol
Infinite Point
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1927 (5.42%)
inv portrait Malprax
Association of Commonwealth Enterprises
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1915 (5.39%)
inv portrait Shirralia
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1794 (5.05%)
inv portrait Echoes Buelle
Nulli Secunda
Purifier (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1685 (4.74%)
inv portrait Mito Enaka
Vengance Inc.
Nulli Secunda
Manticore (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1675 (4.71%)
inv portrait Duries Kain
Nulli Secunda
Hound (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1675 (4.71%)
inv portrait RAFC
Pwn 'N Play
Nulli Secunda
Hound (Covert Ops)
Electron Bomb
Damage done:1594 (4.48%)

500 Letters left
Sourced from API with CCP ID: 46842550 on 2015-05-25 02:01:04
Ishtar Ship: Ishtar (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Location: O-LJOO (0.0)
Date: 2015-05-24 23:10:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 328,088,000
Total Damage Taken: 35,541
Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor II
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Large Shield Extender II
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Limited Explosive Deflection Field I
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Pseudoelectron Containment Field I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Drone Link Augmentor II Drone Link Augmentor II 1 2.84 M
Drone Link Augmentor I Drone Link Augmentor I 1 180.00 K
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II 1 959.99 K
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender 1 302.51 K
Limited Explosive Deflection Field I Limited Explosive Deflection Field I 1 27.00 K
50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 35.46 K
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II 1 1.12 M
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II 1 0 ISK
Pseudoelectron Containment Field I Pseudoelectron Containment Field I 1 4.79 M
Drone Damage Amplifier II Drone Damage Amplifier II 1 0 ISK
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II 2 0 ISK
Rig Slot Rig Slot Current Value
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II Medium Core Defense Field Extender II 2 168.20 M
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Curator II Curator II 2 1.80 M
Bouncer II Bouncer II 9 7.92 M
Curator II Curator II 3 2.70 M
Bouncer II Bouncer II 1 880.00 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Bouncer II Bouncer II 2 1.76 M
Bouncer II Bouncer II 1 880.00 K
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II 1 0 ISK
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
