Kill details
victim Victim: Raneru
Corp: Euphoria Released
Alliance: Force of Evil
Involved parties: 15
inv portrait Kock VORLON
Section XIII
Tau Ceti Federation
Avatar (Titan)
Damage done:29518 (80.65%)
inv portrait Matt calvert
Epsilon Lyr
Tau Ceti Federation
Megathron (Battleship)
Neutron Blaster Cannon II
Damage done:1714 (4.68%)
inv portrait Cho'kie Dabud
Defcon One
Tau Ceti Federation
Zealot (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Damage done:1401 (3.83%)
inv portrait Athennea
ICE is Coming to EVE
Tau Ceti Federation
Drake (Battlecruiser)
Caldari Navy Scourge Heavy Missile
Damage done:1117 (3.05%)
inv portrait Kaidia DragonFly
Section XIII
Tau Ceti Federation
Armageddon (Battleship)
Mega Pulse Laser II
Damage done:1040 (2.84%)
inv portrait ReD PartiZan
Section XIII
Tau Ceti Federation
Zealot (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Focused Medium Beam Laser II
Damage done:445 (1.22%)
inv portrait fouman
ICE is Coming to EVE
Tau Ceti Federation
Rokh (Battleship)
425mm Railgun I
Damage done:356 (0.97%)
inv portrait Lance Cooper
Kernel of War
Tau Ceti Federation
Zealot (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Damage done:275 (0.75%)
inv portrait LeCiD
Epsilon Lyr
Tau Ceti Federation
Vulture (Command Ship)
250mm Railgun II
Damage done:255 (0.70%)
inv portrait Ag'Ammemnon
ICE is Coming to EVE
Tau Ceti Federation
Harbinger (Battlecruiser)
Warp Disruptor I
Damage done:203 (0.55%)
inv portrait Morsi
ICE is Coming to EVE
Tau Ceti Federation
Eagle (Heavy Assault Cruiser)
Scourge Light Missile
Damage done:110 (0.30%)
inv portrait sUrface38
Kernel of War
Tau Ceti Federation
Crow (Interceptor)
Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile
Damage done:74 (0.20%)
inv portrait N'olive
Epsilon Lyr
Tau Ceti Federation
Scimitar (Logistics)
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile
Damage done:51 (0.14%)
inv portrait evePreD
Kernel of War
Tau Ceti Federation
Rokh (Battleship)
350mm Railgun II
Damage done:43 (0.12%)
inv portrait VO Mathilda
Epsilon Lyr
Tau Ceti Federation
Caracal (Cruiser)
Warp Disruptor I
Damage done:0 (0.00%)

500 Letters left
Megathron Ship: Megathron (Battleship)
Location: 6Q-R50 (0.0)
Date: 2009-02-27 21:18:00
ISK Loss at time of kill: 96,306,400
Total Damage Taken: 36,602
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
425mm Railgun II
Large 'Solace' Remote Armor Repairer
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I
Sensor Booster II
Sensor Booster II
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating
F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Ship details
High Slot High Slot Current Value
Iron Charge L Iron Charge L 66 1.25 K
425mm Railgun II 425mm Railgun II 4 18.00 M
Iron Charge L Iron Charge L 131 2.49 K
425mm Railgun II 425mm Railgun II 2 9.00 M
Large 'Solace' Remote Armor Repairer Large 'Solace' Remote Armor Repairer 1 7.05 M
Medium Slot Medium Slot Current Value
Scan Resolution Script Scan Resolution Script 1 16.99 K
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I 1 109.00 K
Sensor Booster II Sensor Booster II 1 826.26 K
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive 1 650.01 K
Cap Booster 800 Cap Booster 800 1 3.33 K
Scan Resolution Script Scan Resolution Script 1 16.99 K
Sensor Booster II Sensor Booster II 1 826.26 K
Low Slot Low Slot Current Value
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I 1 202.03 K
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1 2.09 M
Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating 1 14.00 M
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I 1 230.00 K
1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1600mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates 1 2.09 M
F85 Peripheral Damage System I F85 Peripheral Damage System I 1 944.60 K
Armor Explosive Hardener II Armor Explosive Hardener II 1 1.50 M
Drone Bay Drone Bay Current Value
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I 4 331.98 K
Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I 1 82.99 K
Cargo Cargo Current Value
Caldari Navy Lead Charge L Caldari Navy Lead Charge L 795 1.22 M
Spike L Spike L 1000 659.00 K
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge L 1483 1.73 M
Tracking Speed Script Tracking Speed Script 1 29.00 K
Targeting Range Script Targeting Range Script 2 26.00 K
Lead Charge L Lead Charge L 3000 177.00 K
Cap Booster 800 Cap Booster 800 11 36.60 K
Total Module Loss:
Total Module Drop:
Ship Loss:
Total Loss at current prices:


Top Damage Dealer

Final Blow
