Original Killmail
2010.01.27 14:22 Corp: The xDEATHx Squadron Alliance: Legion of xXDEATHXx Faction: None Destroyed: Caldari Control Tower Small Moon: Unknown System: TPAR-G Security: 0.0 Damage Taken: 12374771 Involved parties: Name: JShepard Security: 5.0 Corp: Imperial Syndicate Forces Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Tengu Weapon: Einherji Damage Done: 1994634 Name: Chagal Civ Security: 5.0 Corp: Silver Snake Enterprise Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Raven Weapon: Firbolg Damage Done: 1618310 Name: Tavian Blake (laid the final blow) Security: 2.4 Corp: WaHnSiNn IsT ReLaTiV Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Abaddon Weapon: Tachyon Beam Laser II Damage Done: 1318486 Name: 3rr0r4ever Security: 1.3 Corp: WaHnSiNn IsT ReLaTiV Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Raven Weapon: Mjolnir Torpedo Damage Done: 1128854 Name: J Voorhees Security: 0.0 Corp: North Star Networks Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Tempest Weapon: Tempest Damage Done: 1065592 Name: Zab Zonk Security: 0.3 Corp: The Fallen Angels Unit Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Apocalypse Weapon: Apocalypse Damage Done: 610553 Name: RavenL0rd Security: 5.0 Corp: Rubbish and Garbage Removal Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Apocalypse Weapon: Apocalypse Damage Done: 587511 Name: Tibo Steel Security: 5.0 Corp: Romanian Space Explorer Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Raven Weapon: Firbolg Damage Done: 518582 Name: Tresorc Security: 5.0 Corp: WaHnSiNn IsT ReLaTiV Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Drake Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile Damage Done: 472719 Name: Okapir Security: 5.0 Corp: Eve Defence Force Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Megathron Weapon: Warrior II Damage Done: 466049 Name: Uwerdan Security: 5.0 Corp: Silver Snake Enterprise Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Apocalypse Weapon: Apocalypse Damage Done: 461425 Name: Nostravramus Security: 1.8 Corp: Romanian Space Explorer Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Raven Weapon: Mjolnir Cruise Missile Damage Done: 438229 Name: Calliae Security: 4.7 Corp: Rave Technologies Inc. Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Unknown Weapon: Megathron Damage Done: 379969 Name: Cynari Security: 5.0 Corp: r.evolution 8 Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Scorpion Weapon: Warrior II Damage Done: 259706 Name: Neemonn Security: 5.0 Corp: Rubbish and Garbage Removal Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Drake Weapon: Hobgoblin I Damage Done: 250557 Name: Kyle Frost Security: 5.0 Corp: Silver Snake Enterprise Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Rokh Weapon: Acolyte II Damage Done: 177808 Name: Moordor Security: 5.0 Corp: Ceptacemia Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Megathron Weapon: Infiltrator II Damage Done: 175583 Name: eryyxx 2 Security: 5.0 Corp: Rubbish and Garbage Removal Alliance: Legiunea ROmana Faction: None Ship: Drake Weapon: Warrior II Damage Done: 152510 Name: Alexie Stukov Security: -4.6 Corp: Silver Snake Enterprise Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Unknown Weapon: Zealot Damage Done: 119436 Name: Sage Genar Security: 5.0 Corp: Imperial Syndicate Forces Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Unknown Weapon: 425mm Prototype Gauss Gun Damage Done: 53172 Name: Smurphy1 Security: 4.7 Corp: Silver Snake Enterprise Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Rokh Weapon: Rokh Damage Done: 47280 Name: Mullethead Security: 5.0 Corp: League of Gentlemen Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Drake Weapon: Acolyte II Damage Done: 29229 Name: Futuristic Eagle Security: 3.3 Corp: League of Gentlemen Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Thanatos Weapon: Firbolg Damage Done: 24633 Name: Joker Petroski Security: 5.0 Corp: Rage For Order Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Unknown Weapon: 'Malkuth' Heavy Missile Launcher I Damage Done: 23187 Name: Mourn Ex Security: 5.0 Corp: Eve Defence Force Alliance: Systematic-Chaos Faction: None Ship: Thanatos Weapon: Einherji Damage Done: 757