Original Killmail
2011.03.18 10:00 Victim: Ascy Corp: Liga Freier Terraner Alliance: Ev0ke Faction: None Destroyed: Curse System: KU5R-W Security: 0.0 Damage Taken: 265 Involved parties: Name: Dark Razer (laid the final blow) Security: 4.5 Corp: Van Diemen's Demise Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Hurricane Weapon: 425mm AutoCannon II Damage Done: 265 Name: Papote Security: 5.0 Corp: Missions Mining and Mayhem Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Harbinger Weapon: Heavy Pulse Laser II Damage Done: 0 Name: JaSheRob Security: -0.4 Corp: Van Diemen's Demise Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Drake Weapon: Heavy Missile Launcher II Damage Done: 0 Name: RazielKaine Security: 4.8 Corp: Van Diemen's Demise Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Rapier Weapon: 425mm AutoCannon II Damage Done: 0 Name: RoliPoli Security: -0.6 Corp: Missions Mining and Mayhem Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Scimitar Weapon: Warrior II Damage Done: 0 Name: Interregnum Security: 4.4 Corp: Van Diemen's Demise Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Hurricane Weapon: Valkyrie II Damage Done: 0 Name: Steelreigns Security: 5.0 Corp: Missions Mining and Mayhem Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Harbinger Weapon: Hornet EC-300 Damage Done: 0 Name: Freelancer83 Security: 4.6 Corp: Van Diemen's Demise Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Hurricane Weapon: 425mm AutoCannon II Damage Done: 0 Name: SupaFlyTNT Security: 0.6 Corp: Euphoria Released Alliance: Merciless. Faction: None Ship: Hurricane Weapon: Warrior II Damage Done: 0 Destroyed items: Heavy Missile Launcher II, Qty: 2 (Cargo) Kinetic Deflection Field II (Cargo) Large Shield Extender II (Cargo) Ballistic Control System II (Cargo) Overdrive Injector System II Nanofiber Internal Structure II, Qty: 2 Cap Booster 800 Optimal Range Disruption Script 50MN Microwarpdrive II Small Energy Neutralizer II, Qty: 2 Medium Energy Neutralizer II Infiltrator II, Qty: 2 (Drone Bay) Valkyrie II, Qty: 3 (Drone Bay) Medium Core Defense Field Extender I, Qty: 2 Dropped items: Tracking Speed Disruption Script (Cargo) Heavy Missile Launcher II, Qty: 2 (Cargo) Cap Booster 800, Qty: 4 (Cargo) Large Shield Extender II (Cargo) Ballistic Control System II (Cargo) Thermic Dissipation Field II (Cargo) Damage Control II Medium Capacitor Booster II Large Shield Extender II Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Warp Disruptor II F-392 Baker Nunn Tracking Disruptor I Medium Energy Neutralizer II Medium Nosferatu II Acolyte II, Qty: 5 (Drone Bay) Valkyrie II, Qty: 2 (Drone Bay) Warrior II, Qty: 5 (Drone Bay) Infiltrator II, Qty: 3 (Drone Bay)