Original Killmail
2015.05.27 19:24 Victim: ThEStArMaKeR Corp: PILGRIMS Alliance: Advent of Fate Faction: None Destroyed: Sabre System: GTB-O4 Security: 0.0 Damage Taken: 6901 Involved parties: Name: Aldjor Dayman Security: -9.6 Corp: D-sync Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Republic Fleet Bouncer Damage Done: 717 Name: Kozopulo Security: 4.6 Corp: Surreal corp Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 596 Name: avdey a Security: -1.1 Corp: Sovet-Union Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 575 Name: Ferdinand Kenigmaus Security: 3.1 Corp: Space Penitentiary Preventorium Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 551 Name: Sanali Windrunner Security: 3.8 Corp: Call of the Wild Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 454 Name: Wh1te N01se Security: 4.2 Corp: Total Anesthesia Inc Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 424 Name: Super Twinkey69 Security: -6.2 Corp: V0LTA Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 414 Name: AoTxLoGiX Security: 3.4 Corp: CyberShield Inc Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Scimitar Weapon: Warrior II Damage Done: 362 Name: Lukass Grey Security: 1.8 Corp: Virtual Democracy Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 355 Name: Cpt Patrick Archer Security: 4.2 Corp: Quam Singulari Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Republic Fleet Bouncer Damage Done: 343 Name: Yistrin Security: -6.4 Corp: The Black Company G.C. Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 312 Name: HaVVKeye Security: -5.9 Corp: Surreal corp Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 290 Name: Darky FalcoN Security: 4.2 Corp: Space Penitentiary Preventorium Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 267 Name: Tamir Spiro Security: 0.1 Corp: LOST IDEA Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 257 Name: ERik STB Security: 2.6 Corp: Sovet-Union Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 202 Name: M0NCTER Security: 3.2 Corp: Gipsies Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 196 Name: Lionfist Security: 1.1 Corp: Sanctuary of Shadows Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 142 Name: Isengrimus Security: -1.5 Corp: Call of the Wild Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: 250mm Railgun II Damage Done: 122 Name: Ripper666 Security: -0.6 Corp: V0LTA Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 73 Name: Antura Tachikoma Security: 0.8 Corp: Fistful of Finns Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 70 Name: Frakiets MN Security: 5.0 Corp: Watch your six Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 54 Name: Ektallion Security: 0.0 Corp: Russian Thunder Squad Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: 250mm Railgun II Damage Done: 53 Name: HarryD (laid the final blow) Security: 4.1 Corp: Virtual Democracy Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: 250mm Railgun II Damage Done: 37 Name: Ker Laedda Security: 5.0 Corp: Ecliptic Control Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: Proteus Damage Done: 35 Name: Aleks Askiras Security: 4.5 Corp: Wolfspack Alliance: Soviet-Union Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: 250mm Prototype Gauss Gun Damage Done: 0 Name: Alistar Krividus Security: 0.9 Corp: Call of the Wild Alliance: C0VEN Faction: None Ship: Loki Weapon: Republic Fleet Target Painter Damage Done: 0 Name: Aristash Security: -1.0 Corp: The Flying Dead. Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Loki Weapon: Target Painter II Damage Done: 0 Name: Choridon Saissore Security: 0.1 Corp: V0LTA Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: Escador Security: 3.1 Corp: Euphoria Released Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: PaperTiger Security: 1.2 Corp: V I R I I Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: FusionProGamer Security: 0.1 Corp: Universal Fleet Operations Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: Harsa Tosh Security: 3.5 Corp: Russian Thunder Squad Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Oneiros Weapon: 200mm AutoCannon II Damage Done: 0 Name: Lady Gravewalker Security: -1.7 Corp: D-sync Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: Blood Colored Security: 2.8 Corp: Fistful of Finns Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: Radzak87 Security: -7.3 Corp: No.Mercy Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Phased Muon Sensor Disruptor I Damage Done: 0 Name: StarFleetCommander Security: -2.0 Corp: V0LTA Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Huginn Weapon: Republic Fleet Target Painter Damage Done: 0 Name: Redpainhawk Security: -7.0 Corp: For a Few Finns More Alliance: None Faction: None Ship: Maulus Weapon: Low Frequency Sensor Suppressor I Damage Done: 0 Name: Sanderton Security: -9.7 Corp: Fistful of Finns Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: Sownick Security: -1.5 Corp: Russian Thunder Squad Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Loki Weapon: Republic Fleet Target Painter Damage Done: 0 Name: Wun NgoWen Security: 0.0 Corp: Unforeseen Consequences. Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: saber Utah Security: 1.2 Corp: Universal Fleet Operations Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: ZeroNL87 Security: 3.6 Corp: Unforeseen Consequences. Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: doormatt Security: 0.9 Corp: D-sync Alliance: Triumvirate. Faction: None Ship: Ishtar Weapon: Bouncer II Damage Done: 0 Name: nikitos511 Security: 1.5 Corp: Gipsies Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Proteus Weapon: 250mm Railgun II Damage Done: 0 Name: Mr Paro Security: 0.5 Corp: The Flying Dead. Alliance: The Afterlife. Faction: None Ship: Loki Weapon: Republic Fleet Target Painter Damage Done: 0 Destroyed items: Barrage S, Qty: 500 (Cargo) Warp Disrupt Probe, Qty: 58 (Cargo) J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender Barrage S, Qty: 166 Prototype Cloaking Device I Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I, Qty: 2 Dropped items: Co-Processor II, Qty: 2 Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive 125mm Gatling AutoCannon II, Qty: 5 Barrage S, Qty: 166 Warp Disrupt Probe Interdiction Sphere Launcher I