Pilot details - Xexexe Xe
portrait Corporation: Fistful of Finns
Alliance: WE FORM V0LTA
Kills: 2245
Real kills: 2189
Losses: 1
Damage done (ISK): 608.74B
Damage received (ISK): 0.01B
Chance of enemy survival: 0.04%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 100%

All kills

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Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Corporate Hangar Array
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Ship Maintenance Array
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Corporate Hangar Array
POS Module
Goonswarm Federation
YXIB-I (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
Moon Harvesting Array
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
Moon Harvesting Array
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
Moon Harvesting Array
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
0MV-4W (0.0)
Warp Disruption Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
Warp Disruption Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
Photon Scattering Array
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
Explosion Dampening Array
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
Moon Harvesting Array
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
Corporate Hangar Array
POS Module
The Bastion
NCGR-Q (0.0)
Small AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
P3EN-E (0.0)

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Kill points

Loss points

Total points