Pilot details - Garst Tyrell
portrait Corporation: No.Mercy
Alliance: Triumvirate.
Kills: 3994
Real kills: 3959
Losses: 1
Damage done (ISK): 1486.72B
Damage received (ISK): 0.94B
Chance of enemy survival: 0.03%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 99.94%

All kills

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Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
Uemon (0.2)
Warp Disruption Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Stasis Webification Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Warp Disruption Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Stasis Webification Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Legion of xXDEATHXx
DJ-GBH (0.0)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Small Artillery Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Small AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Small Artillery Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Small Artillery Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)
Medium AutoCannon Battery
POS Module
The Bastion
Eruka (0.4)

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Kill points

Loss points

Total points