Pilot details - Zara Daedra
portrait Corporation: V0LTA
Alliance: WE FORM V0LTA
Kills: 106
Real kills: 106
Losses: 1
Damage done (ISK): 70.3B
Damage received (ISK): 0B
Chance of enemy survival: 0.93%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 100%

10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Recon Ship
Legion of xXDEATHXx
QRH-BF (0.0)
I: 44
Recon Ship
Advent of Fate
KMH-J1 (0.0)
I: 30
Recon Ship
Advent of Fate
QRH-BF (0.0)
I: 34
10 Most recent losses

No data.


Kill points

Loss points

Total points