Pilot details - knifee
portrait Corporation: Euphoria Released
Alliance: WE FORM V0LTA
Kills: 6528
Real kills: 5778
Losses: 242
Damage done (ISK): 1272.4B
Damage received (ISK): 31.27B
Chance of enemy survival: 3.57%
Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 97.6%

Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 156 4
Battlecruiser 1154 21
Battleship 852 20
Black Ops 4 0
Cap. Industrial 1 0
Capsule 696 41
Carrier 148 0
Command Ship 82 5
Covert Ops 164 14
Cruiser 687 21
Custom Office 0 0
Deployable Structure 2 1
Destroyer 139 4
Dreadnought 61 0
Ship class K L
Electronic Attack Ship 23 1
Exhumer 43 0
Freighter 5 0
Frigate 363 14
Heavy Assault Cruiser 407 15
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 51 0
Industrial 59 1
Industrial Command Ship 3 0
Infrastructure Modules 10 0
Interceptor 256 15
Interdictor 130 19
Jump Freighter 0 0
Logistics 189 34
Marauder 16 0
Ship class K L
Mining Barge 21 0
POS Large 12 0
POS Medium 6 0
POS Module 237 0
POS Small 19 0
Prototype Exploration Ship 0 0
Recon Ship 194 3
Shuttle 26 0
Strategic Cruiser 196 2
Supercarrier 6 0
Tactical Destroyer 4 2
Territory Modules 53 0
Titan 0 0
Transport 25 0
6528 Ships killed (1272.4B ISK) 242 Ships lost (31.27B ISK)
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Mining Barge
Phoebe Freeport Republic
4-CM8I (0.0)
I: 14
Mining Barge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
MWA-5Q (0.0)
I: 12
Mining Barge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
MWA-5Q (0.0)
I: 14
Mining Barge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
MWA-5Q (0.0)
I: 11
Mining Barge
Test Alliance Please Ignore
MWA-5Q (0.0)
I: 14
Mining Barge
Everyb0dy Lies
WNM-V0 (0.0)
I: 6
Mining Barge
The Bastion
Y0-BVN (0.0)
I: 17
Mining Barge
The Bastion
Y0-BVN (0.0)
I: 19
Mining Barge
Spaceship Samurai
G-7WUF (0.0)
I: 15
Mining Barge
Northern Associates.
6-8QLA (0.0)
I: 11
10 Most recent losses

No data.


Kill points

Loss points

Total points