Commissioned by the Republic Fleet to create a powerful assault vessel for the strengthening of the Matari tribes as well as a commercial platform for the Howitzers and other guns produced by the Fleet, Boundless Creation came up with the Muninn. Heavily armored, laden with turret hardpoints and sporting the latest in projectile optimization technology, this is the very definition of a gunboat.
Developer: Boundless Creation
Boundless Creation's ships are based on the Brutor tribe's philosophy of warfare: simply fit as much firepower onto your ship as is humanly possible. The Muninn is far from being an exception.
Role Bonus:
50 % reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty
Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5 % bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire
5 % bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage
Heavy Assault Cruisers bonuses (per skill level):
10 % bonus to Medium Projectile Turret optimal range
8 % bonus to Medium Projectile Turret tracking speed
Armor Hitpoints |
2000 HP |
Armor EM Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Capacity |
1580 HP |
Shield recharge time |
1250000 s |
Shield EM Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance |
% |
Cargo capacity |
515 m3 |
Mass |
11,750,000 kg |
Volume |
96000 m3 |
Baseprice |
17,062,800 ISK |
High Slots |
6 |
Medium Slots |
3 |
Low Slots |
6 |
Rig Slots |
2 |
Calibration |
400 points |
Drone Bandwidth |
25 Mbit/sec |
Launcher Hardpoints |
1 hardpoints |
Turret Hardpoints |
5 hardpoints |
Powergrid Output |
1160 MW |
CPU Output |
355 tf |
Maximum Targeting Range |
80000 m |
Scan Resolution |
294 mm |
Maximum Locked Targets |
6 |
RADAR Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Ladar Sensor Strength |
21 points |
Magnetometric Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Gravimetric Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Signature Radius |
125 m |
Tech Level |
2 Level |