Recognizing the necessity for a blaster platform to round out their high-end arsenal, the Federation Navy brought in top-level talent to work on the Hyperion. The result: one of the most lethal and versatile gunboats ever to take to the dark skies.
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
10 % bonus to Large Hybrid Turret damage
8 % bonus to Armor Repairer amount
Armor Hitpoints |
8000 HP |
Armor EM Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Capacity |
7500 HP |
Shield recharge time |
2500000 s |
Shield EM Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance |
% |
Cargo capacity |
675 m3 |
Mass |
100,200,000 kg |
Volume |
495000 m3 |
Baseprice |
176,000,000 ISK |
High Slots |
7 |
Medium Slots |
5 |
Low Slots |
7 |
Rig Slots |
3 |
Calibration |
400 points |
Drone Bandwidth |
125 Mbit/sec |
Launcher Hardpoints |
1 hardpoints |
Turret Hardpoints |
6 hardpoints |
Powergrid Output |
16000 MW |
CPU Output |
600 tf |
Maximum Targeting Range |
60000 m |
Scan Resolution |
110 mm |
Maximum Locked Targets |
7 |
RADAR Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Ladar Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Magnetometric Sensor Strength |
23 points |
Gravimetric Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Signature Radius |
485 m |
Tech Level |
1 Level |