The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level):
5 % bonus to Large Hybrid Turret rate of fire
8 % bonus to Large Hybrid Turret tracking speed
Armor Hitpoints |
6500 HP |
Armor EM Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance |
% |
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Capacity |
6300 HP |
Shield recharge time |
2500000 s |
Shield EM Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance |
% |
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance |
% |
Cargo capacity |
675 m3 |
Mass |
98,400,000 kg |
Volume |
486000 m3 |
Baseprice |
105,000,000 ISK |
High Slots |
7 |
Medium Slots |
4 |
Low Slots |
8 |
Rig Slots |
3 |
Calibration |
400 points |
Drone Bandwidth |
75 Mbit/sec |
Launcher Hardpoints |
0 hardpoints |
Turret Hardpoints |
7 hardpoints |
Powergrid Output |
15500 MW |
CPU Output |
600 tf |
Maximum Targeting Range |
72500 m |
Scan Resolution |
95 mm |
Maximum Locked Targets |
7 |
RADAR Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Ladar Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Magnetometric Sensor Strength |
21 points |
Gravimetric Sensor Strength |
0 points |
Signature Radius |
380 m |
Tech Level |
1 Level |